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Now you can have the best of both worlds

We have combined FL-41 and a blue blocker to give you the ultimate migraine relief lenses

What Filter Is Right For You

FL-41 Lenses: Primarily designed to alleviate symptoms associated with light sensitivity, including migraines, photophobia, and other light-sensitive conditions. FL-41 lenses have a rusty rose tint that is particularly effective in reducing discomfort caused by specific wavelengths of light.

FL-41 Lenses

FL-41 Lenses: Primarily designed to alleviate symptoms associated with light sensitivity, including migraines, photophobia, and other light-sensitive conditions. FL-41 lenses have a rusty rose tint that is particularly effective in reducing discomfort caused by specific wavelengths of light.
This lens has all the features of FL-41 plus a Blue Blocker filter, will have named it FL-41 +. The added Blue Blocker will provide individuals who spend significant time on digital screens and want to reduce the potential negative effects of blue light exposure. Designed to reduce the amount of blue light entering the eyes. Blue light is emitted from digital screens, LED lights, car headlight and the sun. Blue blocker will alleviate eye strain, fatigue, and potential disruption to circadian rhythms caused by prolonged exposure to blue light, especially in the evening and help maintain a normal sleep pattern.

FL-41 + Blue Blocker

This lens has all the features of FL-41 plus a Blue Blocker filter, will have named it FL-41 +. The added Blue Blocker will provide individuals who spend significant time on digital screens and want to reduce the potential negative effects of blue light exposure. Designed to reduce the amount of blue light entering the eyes. Blue light is emitted from digital screens, LED lights, car headlight and the sun. Blue blocker will alleviate eye strain, fatigue, and potential disruption to circadian rhythms caused by prolonged exposure to blue light, especially in the evening and help maintain a normal sleep pattern.
All the features of FL-41 + with the added benefit of an XTRActive filter that darkens in response to light and ultraviolet (UV) exposure. These lenses are designed to take FL-41 to a full sun lens, they automatically adjust their level of darkness based on the amount of UV radiation and light they receive. they work indoors and outdoors, even in the car. Darkening occurs when the lenses are exposed to sunlight or other light sources, and they gradually return to their FL-41 + state when the UV and light diminish.

FL-41 XTRActive

All the features of FL-41 + with the added benefit of an XTRActive filter that darkens in response to light and ultraviolet (UV) exposure. These lenses are designed to take FL-41 to a full sun lens, they automatically adjust their level of darkness based on the amount of UV radiation and light they receive. they work indoors and outdoors, even in the car. Darkening occurs when the lenses are exposed to sunlight or other light sources, and they gradually return to their FL-41 + state when the UV and light diminish.

We have combined FL-41 and a blue block filter together

FL-41 lenses and blue blocker lenses serve different purposes, although they both involve filtering certain wavelengths of light. Let’s compare the two:

  1. Purpose:

    • FL-41 Lenses: Primarily designed to alleviate symptoms associated with light sensitivity, including migraines, photophobia, and other light-sensitive conditions. FL-41 lenses often have a rose tint that is particularly effective in reducing discomfort caused by specific wavelengths of light.
    • Blue Blocker Lenses: Designed to reduce the amount of blue light entering the eyes. Blue light is emitted from digital screens, LED lights, and the sun. Blue blockers aim to alleviate eye strain, fatigue, and potential disruption to circadian rhythms caused by prolonged exposure to blue light, especially in the evening.
  2. Wavelengths Filtered:

    • FL-41 Lenses: Filter out specific wavelengths of light that are known triggers for migraines and light-sensitive conditions. The rose tint is chosen to address these specific wavelengths effectively.
    • Blue Blocker Lenses: Primarily filter out the shorter wavelengths of blue light, with varying degrees of effectiveness in blocking different parts of the blue light spectrum.
  3. Conditions Addressed:

    • FL-41 Lenses: Typically recommended for conditions such as migraines, photophobia, light-sensitive disorders, and other related visual sensitivities.
    • Blue Blocker Lenses: Commonly used for reducing eye strain, fatigue, and potential sleep disturbances associated with exposure to blue light.
  4. Tint Color:

    • FL-41 Lenses: Have a distinctive rose tint, which is chosen for its effectiveness in managing specific light-sensitive conditions.
    • Blue Blocker Lenses: Can have various tint colors, including amber, yellow, or clear, depending on the specific type of blue blocker lens.
  5. Conditions Considered:

    • FL-41 Lenses: Particularly tailored for individuals with specific light-sensitive conditions, migraines, and related disorders.
    • Blue Blocker Lenses: More general-purpose, often used by individuals who spend significant time in front of digital screens and want to reduce the potential negative effects of blue light exposure.

Ultimately, the choice between FL-41 lenses and blue blocker lenses depends on the specific needs and conditions of the individual. Consulting with an eye care professional can help determine which type of lens is most appropriate for a particular situation or visual concern.


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0797 3333 046
Unit 31, Chadkirk Business Park, Romiley SK6 3NE